some hidden treasure
A writer by chance,An engineer by choice.Experience my world in my words.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
God's own version
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Author-Anuradha Prasad
Publisher-leadstart Publishing
Blurb-Arpita is on top of the world! After all she was the fresh face of Ponds India and had snubbed the casting couch of Bollywood to land a Leading role in the small screen’s most popular channel. Life never looked more beautiful! Riku is a small town man with handsome looks and big-time Bollywood dreams. He has no ethics and is raring to make it at any cost! Unable to bag big movies as a main lead he ends up accepting a romantic role opposite Arpita on small screen. Betrayed by her own innocence, she finds herself abandoned by her dream man and cannot fathom which is more painful? Whether her failed relationship or her vanishing career! Riku makes it to the dizzying heights of stardom after leaving her. Beaten and broken Arpita has to make it again to even exist in a ruthless industry that only celebrates success. It is a savage ordeal even to have a roof over her head and two square meals! What will happen to her now? Will god punish her forever for making one wrong choice? Will she die in poverty alone? Or fulfill the dreams that she had set out for? One person must trust her to give her a chance. One opportunity must appear to raise her again! Coming Back Home - will carry you through a roller - coaster ride, yet keep you well grounded for inspiration.
The first thing that you’ll find attractive about this book is its cover. It gives you a faint idea about how the novel is going to read like.It will create a curiosity in the minds of the readers and you will find yourself impatient to read this book.
The story is about a girl 'arpita', who dreams to make it to the big screen and in the way of doing so, she goes with so many obstacles. The story is all about how she makes it to the silver screen and overcome a broken relationship.
Though it's a long book but you won't feel bored on any given page.
The story starts with how arpita falls in love with Riku and Riku uses her to get name and fame and leaves her helpless and hopeless and go for someone else.
The very good thing about the book is it's very descriptive. One can feel every place and thing the author talk about.
It's more like a Indian movie with twist and climax.
It perfectly shows how we should value people and relationships while we are on the top of the world. How hardwork pays off always and everything ends on a good note and if not then it's not the end.
I would like to congratulate Anuradha for this book and wish her luck for her future endeavors.
Overall, you can just pick this book anyway and won't regret.

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Hold on
To my
It's been a very long time that I visited you. I regret that more often!
Aaj Socha kuch likh hi lu ,Aisa waqt ab sayad na aaye wapas.
Recently, with the things happened to me and the things I went through, the graph of life is more likely to be a sine wave more in a negative direction.
I left few people, few people left me,made new friends..aa wait friends? I don't know.
If you go with my experience,I would say never be too harsh on yourself. Being hard on oneself makes you lose your focus. It's like playing billiards .
Ps- I learned so many thing from this game.
You hit the ball too hard and it just bounce back from Pocket and regret being so hard on that shot.
Similarly is with life,I know how it feels to be a failure,I know that feeling of getting lost somewhere and never come back to this crazy bipolar world!
But wait, if you never Comeback how will you live, how will you explore, how would you know why got created you in the first place.
It will pass.. Just know that. No matter how hard it is, it will pass.
The real answers to every question, to every problems, to every situation is to hold on. Hold on tight. You will get your chance to play. You will have the chance to hit the bull's eye and when you do that, there will be no greater feeling.
At the end just as I hold my stick tight and aim at the ball and only give the efforts that's required without being too hard.
I won!
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Review of "My wife's diary"
"My wife's diary " is written by Deepanshu Saini and published by Omji Publication.
First Of all I would like to congratulate him for his success in turning this book into a movie in Bollywood directed by none another then Saurabh Verma.
What attracted me the most is the cover design of this book. It really gives you a good feeling about the story,kudos to that! Every page you read makes you turn the next page.
The storyline revolves around the protagonist named pournima who has a care free attitude and enjoys her life. The story take twist and turns when she falls in love with a guy from her college and they live a fairy tale until she realizes that it wasn't a sacred love she thought it to be and everyone is just behind her body and not her soul.
With a series of heartbreaks and mistakes the books teaches us important lessons of our life in a very simple manner.
The writer has managed to beautifully carry out the diary writing and best thing about it is that it's written in.
One of the thing that I felt missing in the story is that X-factor, that Omg moment. It went on plane till the end .
Over all its a good read and I would like to rate it 3.75 out of 5.
Keep it up!
Check out the trailer at and if you like it, order your copy from
Best wishes & regards…
Monday, May 23, 2016
Review:Ponytail: love for Revenge
Ponytail: The Love for Revenge
By Pradip Chauhan
Publisher - Create Space Publisher
ISBN-13: 978-1532751592
About the book -
Ponytail is story of a man, who has spent his life for making money and becoming powerful. He has his own motive of life. To achieve his goals he falls in love that changes his life.
Let me start by congratulating the author for penning down this book.
The language is this book is pretty simple and lucid .
The title seems good, the story seems appealing to a point.
The story seems like a Bollywood script with full of suspense till the end.
The cover of the book could have been more better suited with the title.
Few of the good moments I cherished in the book is the proposal in Gujarati and the few love making moments.
The story will bind you till the end.
Few of the negative points of the book are the -
1)Tapasya's abrupt death
2) the description of the characters could have been more.
The language is too simple without any grammatical errors whatsoever.
The book shows us that taking Revenge hurt us more than forgiveness.
I would have rated the book 4 out of 5, but the cover of the book stops me and I am rating it 3.75.
You can also buy the book and enjoy at
Reach him at or
follow him on twitter @Prajwalit2015
other book of the author: Love stories On the earth: In light of the sun
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The virtual meet
27jan. 5.55pm
I was waiting for her to come out. I was waiting for my angel to come.
Every second was passing like a year. And the time came that she arrived wearing the dress i liked the most.
As soon as she saw me... She ran towards me to give the tightest hug.
At that second of my life.. I hold my whole world in my both hands.
She just mended my all broken pieces.. .
We were just looking at each other.
Holding my hands she pull me towards a rickshaw and we went to our favorite place..."Dominos" .
I rested my head in her shoulder and she was cuddling me whole the time ...i so much wished to freeze the time...
As soon as we entered the place.. She hopped into the menu ordering our favorite pizzas... We talked about things.. We shared our laughters .. And our food arrived.
The best part of it was licking her little fingers with the cheese doping on them..
"The cheese got cheesier "
I loved her till moon and back.
Watching her eat secretly just made me full. She just completed my world.
My phone rang.. I saw the screen
It was my mom calling .
I talked to her about my whereabouts and took a piece of pizza to make her eat... As soon as i turned... Everything vanished. Nothing was there... Everything little thing was fading slowly.
I so much wanted to catch the moments...
Alas it was a dream.
A virtual meet .
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Life is always been a mixture for all of us. A mixture of good things and bad ones . you expect a chocolates... And it gives you thorns... You expect a rough path...and It gives you a bed full of roses.
You pay for deeds in this one life only..
Karma is always watching over your action.
Different People play a part in your life.
Life is unpredictable and happiness and sadness are the cards in deck called life.
The more sadness you get, the more you know you are closer to happiness.
It's like finding your aces. There are always 4 aces in deck of 52 cards. You just have to keep trying in your life to get them. You have to constantly keep on trying . you never know when you will get your ace.. But you will get it for sure.
Few things that life taught me in last few months is... Your Life is a movie and you are the lead character.. The difference between movies and life is that it's not scripted... You don't have fixed dialogue to say to people.. You never know what will hurt whom... You don't have fixed actions.. It totally depends on circumstances. Everything is temporary expect the movie (life)..
It goes on .
Everyone has their story, their own struggles. The words we speak become our story.
Words are the bricks upon all stories are told. They have the power to build us up or break us down, and surprisingly the most small and powerless words can become powerful together.
The most powerful four words are this;
You are not alone.
This is the best motivation one can have in their life.
Being a writer, i just love the words i scribbled about my life-
"A day in hell, a night in Paradise that's how a writer live !
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Engineering bhava!
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Review of Via Delhi - A twisted tale of Love

Author: Sabi Shaikh.
A heart touching story for sure.The language used is very lucid and that really helps in the smooth flow of the story.
Well via delhi is just a complete story ,a story that you see in bollywood movies.
The cover of the book is up to the mark.
All the events of the story are well synchronised.
Saifuddin khan,A Mba student and not to forget a Muslim by religion falls in love with a bengali girl name Mridu bhattacharya.
It all started via social media.
Two people ,never met in their life suddenly become soul pacifier to each other.
The story is full of twists and turns and I mean "Sharp Turns".
CB wrote about "Two states".
But this is about "Two Religion and Two States" both.
Loving someone and saying I love you is easy; but what you do for it and what it takes to maintain it, can be seen in the story.
How Saifuddin and Mridu fight for their love and defeat that "Char log kya kahenge wali soch" is just nail biting to read.
VIA DELHI fall on that category of the books in which one just keeps on reading till the end ,totally indulged in it.
It's like a perfect story to serve the readers.
PS- You might hungry reading this book as the author has described lots of delicious food
Best of luck Sabi Shaikh for future!
P.s- Don't want to rate this book.
Enough said!
Buy it from above link-