As the end
of the year beckons, I have been doing my
review of the last twelve months and re-
Thinking back at my 2013
goals as well as musing over events of the year.
I winced and laughed to myself as I looked over
my goals for the year and recalled how I
prayed, cried and did everything I could to
manifest some of my desires – and on more
than one occasion cursing karma and the Uni-verse for not giving me what I wanted.
The things always said, “You can’t
always get what you want, but if you try
sometimes, you might find you get what you
Most of us are familiar with this concept but it
really struck me the other day during my 2013
review to the point where I found myself
thanking the Uni-verse for at times not
answering my prayers and giving me what I deserved.
Desire is important – in fact it the basis and
foundation of all achievement – it serves as the
fuel and motivation to push forward to live the
lives we want.
But the problem can lie in the essence of our
desire. Sometimes our egos get in the way and
our desires do not serve our souls, our life’s
purpose or our greater good.
At times we can become so fixated on achieving
our goals that we don’t pause to see whether
we should indeed even be pursuing them. The
truth is that what we want isn’t always right
for us, and our desire doesn’t always come
from the right place.
Whether it is a relationship, job, or a possession
– sometimes we focus so much on getting what
we want that we lose sight of what underlies
that desire – and what it is about that thing,
person or goal that we really want, and,
importantly – whether it truly serves our best
It is easy to be blindsided by desires and the
subsequent pursuit of goals. We see not
achieving our dreams or obtaining the object of
our desires as failure or a curse when it can
actually be a blessing because it wasn’t the
right time or right thing.
There have been so many occasions in my life
when I have spent time and energy pursuing
goals which were not ultimately in my best
Like many I am sure, I get fixated on obtaining
my desires, forgetting that in the time since
wanting something or committing to a goal
things have changed within my psyche, and
actually what I want doesn’t serve my greater
good, and, more often than not, isn’t what I
want after all. Or on occasion the timing isn’t
right and even if I got what I wanted I
wouldn’t actually be ready for it.
At last one of the lines I read on Facebook
"Maturity is knowing that new year doesn't gonna change anything in your life."
But I guess- "Maturity is also knowing things will not change until you are willing too".
Being optimistic and finger crossed - HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
When we stare at uncertainty, typically fear
comes up. We just don’t know what’s going to
happen. Good stuff maybe? Or bad stuff? A lot of
folks tend to think that only bad stuff is going to
happen in the unknown, (especially me) they stay in their
comfort zone.
One of the main ailments everybody is suffering
from is a disease known as F.O.M.O…( I have read it from a link.)
rampant, pervasive and a dream killer. F.O.M.O., if
it dominates your system, WILL prevent you from
living your best life at your highest potential.
SO – what is this disease, this dream killer called
You may have guessed it, or maybe not. But here it
"Fear of
O ut"
F.O.M.O. says that wherever we are isn’t the right
place and that something, somewhere outside of
ourselves is bigger, better and shinier. Some place,
other than where you are right now, is where you
are “supposed” to be.
I shouldn’t be HERE, I SHOULD be THERE.
F.O.M.O. is another way of SHOULDING all over
Einstein once said that we have a choice, “Either
EVERYTHING is a miracle or NOTHING is a
I deduce that from the very
small point of view of being human, we don’t have
the intelligence
available to us to truly interpret events as “bad”
or “good.” We can either see EVERYTHING as a
miracle or NOTHING as a miracle.
Wherever you ARE is PERFECT. You have been
GUIDED there. And wherever you think you need
to be is an illusion. The present moment, where you
are, what you are doing is PERFECT and
Miracles, like Grace, can be wonderful – or they
can be a kick you in the teeth (in the moment).
But in the long run, from the MACRO point of view,
we will see why things had to be the way that they
are and were.
If you choose to see EVERYTHING as a miracle,
then where you are right now is perfect. There is
nowhere to run to; there is nothing else to do
except be in this moment and allow what is to be.
From that place of radical acceptance, MAJOR
change can happen. The first step in any
transformational experience is acceptance and
surrender to the present moment the way it is.
From that place we have the awareness, humility
and POWER to change what is.
You might have F.O.M.O. – but if this moment is a
miracle, there is nothing to chase or run away to,
if this is IT… then what would life be trying to
show you? What are you learning? Where is the
miracle in this moment? If you have been guided
to where you are RIGHT NOW, where is the
Don't live in F.O.M.O..!!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Authentic you or a hidden showmen
It’s pretty much impossible for people to know who
you are if you don’t express yourself. And not just
your small self, I’m talking about your Authentic
That part of you that knows your truth, that
wants life to be fulfilling, that part of you that
might just be dying to express itself.
But if you do not express that part of yourself,
then others won’t be able to see it. And you won’t
be able to see how powerful that part of you truly
Many of us keep our Authentic Selves hidden (including myself)
because we are afraid that we are going to stir
the pot too much. Or that we are going to be made
wrong. Or that we are going to be judged, ridiculed
or made fun of.
Perhaps we bought into a story that one of our
parents, friends, teachers or family members told
us. Something like, “You’ll never be good at this or
that.” And so we shut down, and in that moment
we think that they are putting us in our place, but
really we are putting ourselves there by agreeing
with them.
When we show our Authentic Selves, it WILL shake
things up. Some people will applaud us. Others will
shun us. The truth about life is that we either grow
together or we grow apart.
And since we are
constantly growing spiritually if we are on the
Path, that means that some people are in our lives
for a season, or a reason or a lifetime. Celebrate
those that you can journey with; they will be there
for your whole life. And don’t be afraid to let go
of those folks who aren’t growing with you,
sometimes it’s best to Love certain people from
afar. And that’s okay too.
The thing that we want to keep our minds set on is
expressing our Authentic and Loving Selves.
This takes work. This WILL rock the boat, and this is
probably the most important decision we could ever
make in our lives. Because everything else revolves
around how we see ourselves and then, as a result,
how others see us.
If you aren’t seeing your ideal life manifesting
around you, ask yourself, “What do I REALLY
believe about me and what’s possible in my life?”
“Am I expressing my Truth?” “Am I showing others
who I REALLY am, or am I living a lie to get
approval or Love?”
Stay true .stay blessed