Author-Anuradha Prasad
Publisher-leadstart Publishing
Blurb-Arpita is on top of the world! After all she was the fresh face of Ponds India and had snubbed the casting couch of Bollywood to land a Leading role in the small screen’s most popular channel. Life never looked more beautiful! Riku is a small town man with handsome looks and big-time Bollywood dreams. He has no ethics and is raring to make it at any cost! Unable to bag big movies as a main lead he ends up accepting a romantic role opposite Arpita on small screen. Betrayed by her own innocence, she finds herself abandoned by her dream man and cannot fathom which is more painful? Whether her failed relationship or her vanishing career! Riku makes it to the dizzying heights of stardom after leaving her. Beaten and broken Arpita has to make it again to even exist in a ruthless industry that only celebrates success. It is a savage ordeal even to have a roof over her head and two square meals! What will happen to her now? Will god punish her forever for making one wrong choice? Will she die in poverty alone? Or fulfill the dreams that she had set out for? One person must trust her to give her a chance. One opportunity must appear to raise her again! Coming Back Home - will carry you through a roller - coaster ride, yet keep you well grounded for inspiration.
The first thing that you’ll find attractive about this book is its cover. It gives you a faint idea about how the novel is going to read like.It will create a curiosity in the minds of the readers and you will find yourself impatient to read this book.
The story is about a girl 'arpita', who dreams to make it to the big screen and in the way of doing so, she goes with so many obstacles. The story is all about how she makes it to the silver screen and overcome a broken relationship.
Though it's a long book but you won't feel bored on any given page.
The story starts with how arpita falls in love with Riku and Riku uses her to get name and fame and leaves her helpless and hopeless and go for someone else.
The very good thing about the book is it's very descriptive. One can feel every place and thing the author talk about.
It's more like a Indian movie with twist and climax.
It perfectly shows how we should value people and relationships while we are on the top of the world. How hardwork pays off always and everything ends on a good note and if not then it's not the end.
I would like to congratulate Anuradha for this book and wish her luck for her future endeavors.
Overall, you can just pick this book anyway and won't regret.