The sun was at its peak. I drove my bike to the nearest canteen with one of my friend. We sat after ordering our eateries.
I had a poor exam and the clamour around the place which felt like a big hammer hitting my head without showing any mercy and making my mood more worst. I just wanted to eat something for the sake of eating. I had no interest on what was happening around.
I just gulped down the first bite. Damn! It's so chilly.
I rushed towards the counter and bought mineral water and drank almost half of it.
Just when I was about to sit, a plastic ball came hitting me in the right leg. I bend down to give the ball back to the kids playing. I was flabbergast sitting there watching them play. The sheer innocence, carefree look and the honest smile, everything hooked me up to the kid.
They don't need to worry about any damn exam. They don't need to think about future. Everything was fun for the kid,
Just then his mother came running towards him making him eat his food with her own hands and then there I was sitting in a pathetic condition, missing home food and felt homesick.
The worst case scenario for the grownup's is that one can't cry loudly when he or she is hurt. One has to take responsibilities no matter what happens.
Everything seemed so lifeless. As we grow up, we tend to loose our innocence by one way or the other. You just can't sit and wait for your parents or someone else to solve your problems because everyone is fighting for their own survival. Perhaps the worldly wealth could not buy that innocent and honest face of that kid.
"Bro, c'mon eat fast! We need to go".
I almost forgot that I was having my lunch and had an another exam to deal with. Just as I was leaving, I bid goodbye to the kid and he waved a bye in return with a smile on his face.
"I am not innocent, perhaps I never would be!".
I concluded.
#missing childhood
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